Fastmint Launchpad main functions

Smart Contract Generation

Automatically create user-safe smart contracts on the Fastmint network, without requiring the token creator to have any knowledge of blockchain development. Fundraising for token launches

Secure community fundraising that will be channeled into the liquidity of a future token after the listicle. In case of successful completion of the collection, the creator of the token has no access to the funds, which ensures the principle of fair play and a level playing field between project participants.

Token Promotion

Built-in marketing tools for project promotion, allowing the token creator to attract the attention of the audience without the help of a marketing agency.

Token buyback

The project creator gets the opportunity to be among the first participants to buy the desired number of his own tokens on equal rights with the participants of the fees, which ensures the principle of fair play between all users.

Automatic listing

Placement of a trading pair of custom token to FMC, where the starting liquidity will be the collected funds and the creator's own funds. However, the token creator is only able to sell the number of tokens that they have purchased as part of the collection. This measure makes it possible to guarantee the creator's aspiration to develop his own project after listing.

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